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The Ohgood Caristic Page 6
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Page 6
Famaron, Veata, Ohgood, and Ratie sat at a bar inside the first of the Gavert caves, while Saram waited for Solcrist at the front doors. The bar was filled with plasma tables that glowed red and blue and were completely round, with 6 black leather recliners hovering around each of them on a controlled cushion of magical energy. The tables were arranged in a circle around the circular bar itself that was also hovering perfectly 6 inches off the ground on a cushion of magic. The bar looked like a space ship with its silver veneer and rounded features. It had the ability to rotate red leather chairs in and out from the floor at the exact moment someone wanted to sit down. Behind the bar there were 7 identical clones of Permet Yapor, working the bar.
Permet Yapor was a ruthless dictator from 50 years prior who attempted to kill all the people of Goep with a deadly air borne spray poison, because he wanted the entire world of Goep for only him, his friends, and his family. When the plot was uncovered only days before he was set to execute it, the people of Goep were incredibly angry. So they took all the guilty parties including Permet and brought them to Bookend prison. Once there they began torturing them at first by repeatedly breaking their bones and then when they healed breaking them again. Then when this no longer satisfied they began severing body parts and attaching animal limbs in there place. After all of them were virtually unrecognizable they set about introducing an extremely painful poison called Seavo in really small amounts so as they wouldn’t die, but come dam close. Then they chopped off each of their heads and
preserved them in a freezer. Then they made clones of him, but gave them reduced brain function and put all 100,000 of them to work at manual labor jobs all over the solar system.
All along the outer walls of the room there were old worn out robots in a row, with some still able to work, but put there to give the room a creepy ambience. The ceiling in the room had a reverse image of the house band ,”The Burgeoning Baatolds,” showing them playing hour 7 of a 24 hour show. The band had 3 guitar player front men that were named T, 37 ½, and Gareon. Each of them sang a 3rd of every verse and then they sang 3 part harmonies as the guitars dueled. 37 ½ was a former Halbaltic gang member who had fled the gang and was using the band to disguise his whereabouts.
“ Do you feel comfortable sitting out in the open like this?” asked Veata as she kept looking for Saram.
“ Not particularly, but I’ve got my staff handy and if there’s trouble it’s all bets are off time. I think with this hood over my face I’d be a hard one to spot don’t you?” asked Famaron as he played with his Propa Low drink.
Propa Low is a thick syrupy drink made from sacred yeast, that had a magical spell cast on it at the proper moment. This gave it a stiff kick to it that drowned your sorrows real quick.
“ Good point, the bar’s pretty much dead anyway and everyone seems preoccupied with the band,” said Ohgood as he watched the Burgeoning Baatolds on a monitor in the counter.
“ Here she comes and she’s got 3 people with her,” said Ratie quickly as she stood up.
“ 3,” said Famaron sharply as he spun around to see Saram with Talkyre Ambut, Torn Pepp, and Solcrist walking towards them briskly and then said softly,” Oh thank Goarote it’s you.”
“ Famaron, I’ve got everything taken care of with the Plalo. We are go for tomorrow to crack open the Caristic,” said Solcrist softly as his eyes darted around the room.
“ Great, but why are you so nervous?” I’ve never seen you like this,” asked Famaron as he peered at Solcrist.
“ I fear we were followed. There was a pair of Flashers that I saw occasionally behind us as we flew here. This bar may be compromised,” said Solcrist gravelly as he looked at a man across from them at the bar who was looking at him.
“ Then we must leave here before it gets harry,” said Famaron sternly as he stood up and took a look around.
“ Going somewhere kindest of, emperors?” asked Gados coldly as he stood ten feet behind Famaron with Fists Pour and a 9 foot tall Sarg with its wings tied down to its back.
“ Gados, the keeper of Parscan’s pain. How’s your scumbag life workin’ out for ya?” asked Famaron coldly as he glared at Gados and readied his staff.
“ Can’t complain, just soaking in the new government odds and ends you know how it is. How’s life as a common person workin’ out these days? Is it tiresome I would think so,” asked Gados calmly as he grinned and looked around at everyone.
“ These type of things never last you know that. So if you came here for a reason let’s get on with it, cause I’m tiring of your stench it’s suffocating to bare,” said Famaron snidely as he watched the Sarg carefully.
“ Then we dance, get them, Sarg, and show no mercy!” shouted Gados as he stepped behind the Sarg.
Then the Sarg darted at Saram and tore her head from her body in an instant as everyone scrambled away. Famaron was in instant shock that Saram was dead.
“ Famaron, snap out of it!” shouted Ohgood as he shook Famaron’s shoulder.
“ Then Famaron caught himself and raised his staff and shouted,” Burnvore Nanamavis!”
Then a large Cocevre appeared in front of Famaron. The Cocevre was a 7 foot tall half man half armadillo with a dark green shell covering its whole body. It had a long spike like nose that could pierce metal as well as long muscular arms with talons instead of fingers. Its chest was covered in 4 inch wide spikes. It also had 4 eyes that all saw things in different detail.
The Cocevre did a swirling flip and careened into the Sarg sending both of them to the floor in a heap. Then the Sarg tried to bury its talons in the Cocevre’s chest, but its shell was too thick and it snapped 2 of the talons in half. Then the Cocevre bit down into the Sarg’s neck causing a shower of blood to shoot out. Then the Sarg shot one of its talons into the Cocevre’s eye and crushed its eye into pieces of blood and flesh.
And as the 2 beasts struggled Famaron eyed Gados and then shouted,” Dorn Vosila!”
Then a blue cube of fire appeared with a dozen black 3 foot robots with football shaped heads inside and they started to chase after Gados as the cube flew at him. Gados ran around the side of the bar with the cube only 7 feet behind him and gaining.
“ Now what happens?” asked Ratie as she looked at Solcrist wide eyed.
“ A good bit of fun for dear Gados. He’ll run ‘til his legs give out then he’ll meet some new robotic friends that love to fight. It will be glorious,” said Solcrist plainly as he smirked and watched the fiery cube.
“ Please stop this, Famaron, I’m ready to make a deal, I mean it!” shouted Gados in desperation as the cube got within 3 feet.
“ No thank you, maybe your new government can help you. They seem to really care,” said Famaron smugly as he grinned at Gados as he ran by.
Meanwhile the Cocevre was beating the Sarg to death with fast powerful blows until the Sarg finally perished and gave up. Then the Cocevre disappeared in a melting process where the body became blue smoke in only a moment. Then she dispersed and she was gone. Gados meanwhile was having his troubles as he ran between 2 tables the cube surrounded him and locked him inside causing him to scream,” Oh no, not this way!!”
Then the robots all latched onto his body and pulled out mini pink axes and machetes. Then they began chopping off little pieces of Gados as he screamed in agony.
“ That’s is so sick,” said Ohgood as he watched Gados’s fate.
“ That’s what you get if you do a terrible thing. Karma always catches up when your smile’s the wildest. It’s just the way of things,” said Famaron firmly as he folded his arms and watched patiently.
Then the robots started to chop off Gados’s eyes and nose. Then one sliced open his forehead and blood came billowing out. After another minute Gados finally had most of his body split open and
/> bleeding as he screamed. Then his screams stopped and he faded away and Solcrist said,” Alright then, one of our worries has passed. Now it’s time to get back to work.”
“ Well put, let’s shack up in the hotel further into the Gavert caves. Then in the morning we’ll make our push,” said Famaron as he nodded.
“ We will have what we need to pull this off, but we can only hope for a bit of luck to be successful. And, if more of Gados’s friends come looking for him we can only hope they don’t look here,” said Solcrist anxiously as he looked at Famaron.
“ Then let’s get going before anymore of them show their faces,” said Ohgood.
“ Good point, follow me,” said Famaron then he walked briskly out of the front of the bar.
Outside there was huge cavern that went 50 miles into the ground, with quarter mile high ceilings. It was made out of white limestone and there were hundreds of store fronts and hotels as well as games rooms that lined it the whole way. Each store was made to look like a different Parscan leaders face with several of Famaron himself as well as Turmtron the Pristine.
Turmtron the Pristine was the 3rd leader of Parscan and was widely accepted as the greatest. He ended starvation, got every man and woman an education and completely eliminated poverty. He also was the first to introduce the teachings of Loard the Goep philosopher.
Loard wrote 7 books that detailed all of the failings and strengths of every type of person that was and could be. He wrote that a skilled craftsman would always believe in loyalty and be particular about his sexual prowess. While a doctor’s ego could never be hidden from strangers, because his standing in life was too great a sense of pride. He also came up with the phrases of contentment.
1.I did all that could be done and then I did a little more.
2.If I believed in violence I would only be fighting myself.
3.I’ve got many years to worry about how many years I’ve got left, so I’ll start that engine when it’s cold.
4.While I know there is hatred in the world, it will not be I who carries that burden with deception of self.
Turmtron the Pristine changed his appearance drastically as he aged. His once bald head and clean shaven face, suddenly became a thick curly long head of seal black hair and a billowing red beard that grew into a perfect v shape. His hands and feet even grew 2 inches each as he neared his 150th birthday.
“ Is anyone hungry?” asked Ohgood as he looked at a store front window that had diced Orcut wafers.
Orcut wafers were made from chopped up Ormu’s, a dark chocolate seasoning and a thick Alfredo cheese sauce put inside a thick white roll.
“ Those things will kill ya, but we’re dead already let’s eat,” said Famaron as he looked at the Orcuts.
Everyone went inside and sat down at a pair of triangle shaped tables that were surrounded by a blue felt couch that had the words,” It only hurt the 8th time,” sewn onto it in dark blue velvet and went all the way around the couch. On the tables were touch pad ordering systems, with all the choices and prices inside. There was a brief mahogany counter behind the couch where the teller sat in a red velvet recliner, with the kitchen behind him. There was also a collection of dictator dolls on the walls of the tiny restaurant that even had Glorac as one. The front window was heated and air tight, and kept the food its perfect temperature.
“ I know what I’m having I’ve got to have 2 Orcut wafers,” said Ohgood then he pressed his selection and then said quickly,” Oh and a Sesop pop to go.”
“ That sounds about right, I’ll get the same,” said Ratie as she pressed her selection into the keypad.
As she did the teller came out from behind the counter and went to the window and waited for all the orders.
“ I’m having 3 Orcuts and a steak stick to go. And of course a Sesop pop extra sugar,” said Famaron as he pressed his selections and grinned.
A steak stick was a deep fried cooked and chopped steak and cheese concoction put on a 1 foot long round wooden stick. Then it was dipped in a rare Goep ketchup called Foama that set your taste buds on fire.
“ Steak sticks, oh now that is a perfect way to clog my arteries. Let’s get 5 of those and a bottle of wine, how ‘bout Streamers Red,” said Solcrist then he pressed his selections and then sat back in his chair and smirked.
Talkyre took a hard look at the menu and said hopefully,” It looks like a half dozen Orcuts and a steak or my body’s gonna give in and die.”
“ You’re not the only one, I’m goin’ fro 3 steak sticks, 3 Orcuts, a Sesop and a piece of Dornim pie. Kiss my waistline goodbye,” said Torn as he pressed his selections and then patted his belly.
Then a green liquid fiery 3 headed snake burst thru the front window and grabbed Torn in its mouth and began swallowing him whole and Ratie shouted,” Oh my Goarote!”
“ Everyone move back quickly, it looks like they’ve found us again!” said Famaron sternly as he moved back from the snake and then raised his staff and shouted,” Popeper Manuie!”
Then a Telox appeared in front of Famaron. A Telox was a half ape half ox that had huge bulging arms and a furry black head and torso, as well as the legs of a giant blue ox.
The Telox starred down the snake, then ran at it and jumped up and kicked it in 2 of its heads crushing in its eyes and nose. The 3rd head latched onto the Telox’s back. The Telox tried violently to shake it loose. Then it grabbed the body of the snake and pulled it from its back and swung it thru the front window, destroying the entire wall. The snake slithered out in the street back and forth with only one head still alive.
“ I think we need to get out of the shop,” said Solcrist sternly as he looked at Famaron.
“ Not just yet, we still don’t know what’s out there. At least in here we have cover,” said Famaron boldly as he pondered what to do and then said happily,” I’ve got it, cast a vortex spell, Solcrist, and we’ll make a break for it.”
“ Stand back!” shouted Solcrist and then he raised his staff and lowered his head and shouted,” Gorimu Garash be dashed!”
Then up out of the floor of the restaurant rose a cauldron of red clouds and mini lightning bolts in the shape of a cone that rose to the ceiling. Famaron looked at Solcrist and shouted,” It’s our best bet to live!”
“ Then we have no choice, everyone in!” thundered Solcrist then he ran and jumped in the vortex and a burst of red flames came out when he went in and he disappeared from sight.
Then Talkyre let out a sigh and ran and jumped in and disappeared instantly. Ratie looked at Ohgood nervously and then said,” If I die remember me o.k.”
Then Ohgood nodded and Ratie ran timidly and jumped in and a burst of flames shot out as she disappeared.
“ O.K. get to it, Ohgood,” said Famaron boldly as he gave Ohgood a stern look, but Ohgood continued to look outside and then Famaron said perplexed,” Ohgood, wake up we can’t stay here.”
“ Look, they found us alright,” said Ohgood softly as he stared out the window at 50 members of the Halbaltic gang and the Posism Beliefs staring back at him.
“ No matter, give me your hand, let’s go!” shouted Famaron as he looked Prasau in the eye.
Then he yanked Ohgood into the vortex and they disappeared in a flash as the vortex closed behind them. They came out the other side in the Yesic Holy Council’s Gomathon church on the planet of Proe in Narm city. There were dozens of priests and holy men in a circle around Famaron, Ohgood, Ratie, Solcrist, Veata, Dornoa, and Talkyre.
The Gomathon was a wonder onto itself stretching for 30 miles, with thousands of shrines, rooms, and secret passageways around every corner. The room they were in was the shrine to Louser V. Paim.
Louser was supreme Shityo or leader of all spiritual matters. Louser had taken a vow of laughter and if anyone ever showed
any real emotion in his presence he would instantly burst into a snide laughter. This invariably put people off and in some cases made them very angry. He had taken the oath as a way to show Goarote that only his feelings were important to him. Louser wrote a book called,” The ways we talk about silence,” that dealt with the hypocrisy of human emotions and how people cling to a
cliché emotional experience instead of using their own natural tendencies. It also spoke of the silent soul and the lack of communication between a person and their core saying simply,” You’re in there somewhere take a journey to you.” Louser recently had secluded himself in the hall of knowledge vowing he wouldn’t come out until his questions were answered, it’d been 5 years.
The large golden statue of Louser rose 600 feet above the floor and showed him holding in his right hand his favorite book,” The ways we talk about silence,” and a large flask of wine in his left hand. Louser had his long flowing golden locks with a computer port on the front of his head. His nose was long and wide and turned slightly up at the tip. He had large wide dark brown eyes that had multi colored pyramids painted over each of his eyes. In life he was 6’1” 207 pounds of smooth muscle.
Around the statue were 16 large purple leather chairs that had computers built into them that were in either armrest. Beyond the chairs nearer to the walls there were all of Louser’s personal possessions from his existence, inside force fields of green. They ranged from a red rubber ball with a clown face on it, to a golden copy of Teverus’s autobiography, as well as his red cloak he received when he took over. The floor was covered in a thick fluffy blue blanket that made your feet disappear inside it. The walls were covered in large mosaics of the time before order, known as the age of terror. It showed human sacrifices and bloody battles between wizards and robots. The ceiling had a bow upward in it and was covered in a hologram of the night sky, with explosions every second.
“ Boy that’s some improvement, Famaron, right into enemy hands,” said Ohgood snidely as he let out a sigh.
“ At least we’re alive, don’t worry I’ll think of something,” said Famaron smoothly as he walked over to Ratie, Solcrist, Veata, Dornoa and Talkyre and said happily,” we’re saved nice huh.”
“ This isn’t funny, Famaron, we’re all dead so…just die with a little less of a smile on your face,” said Ratie then she rolled her eyes and grinned.
“ This is serious business, we can’t fight them all off,” said Solcrist as he looked around the room.
“ That’s true, you would surely perish. Don’t try anything, Famaron, or we’ll burn your bodies to an after dinner snack,” said Teroco as he came out from under his hood and stepped forward.
“ Who are you?” asked Ohgood as he stared down Teroco.
“ Hi, Teroco, still taking orders from your brother?” asked Famaron coldly as he gripped his staff.
Teroco smirked and then said snidely,” Still ruling a hill of sand on Parscan, friend.”
“ Well you would know all about that seeing as you orchestrated the whole thing,” said Famaron sternly as he kept his eyes on Teroco.
“ Close, it wasn’t I, but your dear friend Baub. Funny how loyalty fades in the glow of power huh?” asked Teroco coldly as he grinned and re-gripped his own staff.
“ Baub, our father couldn’t have done this. And since when does our dad have a brother?” asked Ratie defiantly as her mouth opened wide.
“ Since forever dear, Ratie, and ,Ohgood. We just don’t talk much to each other’s kids. By the way you’ve got 4 cousins who you’ll never meet, choke on it,” said Teroco snidely as he laughed and made faces at Ratie.
“ What!?” shouted Ohgood and then he asked sternly,” How can this be real?”
“ Cause your dad and I are bastards. Rotten to the core we only had kids so we’d have someone to yell at and abuse. All that cuddly parent crap is not at all what we were looking for. Baub brought you into this world where’s the gratitude?” asked Teroco snidely then he did a little dance and slapped Ohgood hard across the face.
Then Ohgood looked around for help, but realized no one could and swallowed his anger an then said coldly,” I’d be careful about doing that again.”
“ I wouldn’t, brats like you need a good slap to remind you that your concerns come second. Remember that before I slap the teeth out of your mouth,” said Teroco sternly as he grinned menacingly at Ohgood and Ratie.
“ Enough of this, Teroco, we have things to discuss,” said Solcrist loudly as he stepped in between Ohgood and Teroco.
Teroco glared at Ohgood for a second and then said coldly,” There is nothing to discuss old man. The war is over and you’ve lost. Pull yourselves together and accept your new reality.”
“ Which is?” asked Famaron firmly as he looked around.
“ The Doasilk mines what else,” said Teroco as he grinned and made a fist with his free hand.
The Doasilk mines were a 40,000 mile long maze of red salt tunnels that housed all the criminals in the Coulez system inside 4 foot long and 7 foot tall black steel cells that had a tilted up bed and a small urinal in the floor. There was also a 2 inch mirror and wooden chair beside the bed. Inmates routinely died from smoke inhalation from the drilling machinery, as well as the rampant violence from other
inmates. The mine was at the bottom of a 2 mile long elevator shaft which meant escape was only a pipe dream as there were guards with laser shotguns at every level in case you tried to escape.
“ Well, that’s not acceptable. I’d rather die right here then spend a minute in Doasilk,” said Famaron sternly as he glared at Teroco.
“ That can be arranged,” said Teroco coldly as he stared at Famaron.
“ Arrange this!” said Famaron boldly and then he raised his staff and shouted,” Eagelun asito!”
Then a 10 foot long club of faces and stone, with a stream of blue magic swirling around it appeared in front of Famaron and he grabbed it with both hands. Then he bashed at Teroco and the first row of priests and sent them 30 feet into the air. Then he whacked at the ones behind him and sent them into the walls. And then he crushed 2 dozen priests in one lightning quick violent descending blow causing their blood to squirt out from under the club.
“ Everyone follow me!” shouted Solcrist as he began to use floating steps as magic from the tip of his staff created a cushion of red smoke.
Everyone followed after him running on the red smoke as they raced at 30 miles per hour across the room and out into the courtyard. There were dozens of priests in tan robes milling about and having a late night dinner under the stars. There were 70 tables of brown wood that were carved entirely from Taot trees.
Taot trees were 70 yards wide and rose 200 feet into the air, with large lavender leaves in the shape of the letter c.
There were blue padded chairs that rose out of the ground when someone drew near and a flat marble block was in their stead when they were beneath the ground. There were also 7 large statues of Baatolds, Dowa birds, Zamtru’s and Sargs in and amongst all of the bushes and flowers. At the far end of the courtyard was lake Bortage. The lake went on for over 2000 miles and was littered with castles and lavish camps.
“ Head for lake Bortage, quickly!” shouted Solcrist as he ran over the heads of the priests in the courtyard.
As the priests noticed the people running over their heads they were in disbelief at what they were seeing. Some even laughed and began to clap, then went back to their meals. As everyone caught up with Solcrist they were steps from the lake. Behind them Teroco came running out of the Louser shrine with his staff in hand and then raised it and shouted,” Ancolu Venebright!”
Then a pair of gargoyles appeared each of which 8 feet tall with long wings. Then Teroco pointed his staff at Famaron and the Gargoyles began to fly after him. They
flew from side to side over the courtyard. Up ahead everyone was now running over the lake’s surface on the red smoke. Talkyre glanced over his shoulder and then kept running, but realized a second later he had seen something and turned and took a look then shouted,” We’ve got company!”
“ What!” said Famaron in disbelief then he turned and saw the Gargoyles and then said sternly,” I’ll handle it keep going.”
Then he turned around and began running backwards as he faced the gargoyles and then raised his staff stopped and shouted,” Peconds wasecak!”
Then a large green and black crossbow machine gun with a long row of gun belt black fiery arrows appeared beside Famaron. He grabbed hold of it and began firing the arrows using a red trigger, 2 at a time. The first 4 arrows flew at the gargoyles, but they dove into the water to avoid them. Then the gargoyles burst out of the water only 20 yards from Famaron and he began firing arrows again. This time the smaller gargoyle had an arrow pierce his wing and he spiraled out of control. Then Famaron hit the small one with 2 more arrows in the head and neck and the gargoyle perished and his magical energy dispersed leaving nothing but an outline of him.
The other gargoyle flew straight at Famaron and just as it was about to sink its claws into him he shouted,” Oh no you don’t!” and swallowed a Disho crystal creating a black smoky shield around him that the gargoyle ran head first into.
Then Famaron shot the gargoyle at point blank range with 2 arrows and hit it twice in the chest, sending it into the water. But it didn’t go under instead barreled at Famaron again. This time he fired 2 pairs of 2 arrows, with the first pair dodged, but the second hitting the gargoyle squarely in the heart.
“ Nice! And then there were none,” said Famaron happily as he watched the gargoyle’s magical energy disperse.
Then he turned and saw the others were far ahead and said hopefully,” I’ll need a bit of transport it seems.”
Then he raised his staff and shouted,” Couldpo memrit forsaken places be thus!”
Then a dragon appeared behind him and swooped down and Famaron jumped on her back. The dragon had a Penipode fighter plane in her hands. Famaron said slyly,” O.K., dragon, we can’t fly that plane unless we have a place to set her down. Let’s go get my friends over there first.”
Then the red dragon flew after everyone else carrying the Penipode in its talons. As it flew closer to them Ratie turned and saw it and said nervously,” I think our ride’s here.”
Then everyone turned around and saw the dragon fly over head and then swing back around and hover over the water.
“ Your legs tired of running yet?” asked Famaron slyly as he grinned.
“ Oh dear boy, they always were,” said Solcrist smoothly then he climbed aboard the dragon.
“ I bet you thought I was dead, Ohgood,” said Famaron sarcastically as he smirked.
“ Hoped,” said Ohgood quickly as he climbed aboard the dragon.
Then Talkyre climbed up with Ratie close behind and Ratie said coyly,” I thought dragons were old hat, but this one seems hard not to believe.”
“ Well they always say you won’t believe it ‘til it cuts off your hand,” said Talkyre honestly as he looked at everyone.
“ The guy that said that was a butcher,” said Ohgood jokingly as he patted Talkyre’s shoulder.
“ Take us to dry land dragon and none too soon for my tastes,” said Famaron sternly as he rubbed the dragons ears.
Then the dragon flew off across the lake at incredible speed. They flew over a large fishing boat that looked like a Dowa bird only blue in color, that was fishing for glass tuna.
Glass tuna were 150 feet long and worth a lifetimes worth of riches if you found one. They had a glassy black skin that glowed when they were hungry. They had square green eyes that dangled at the
ends of long skinny strands. Their bodies were shaped like a piece of pizza. The glass tuna were the tastiest tuna in all the universe which put it in such high demand that it had been fished almost to extinction. The last one caught was over a year ago. It was said that a man’s entire life could change forever at the moment he reeled one in. The last one caught was sold for the equivalent 100 billion American dollars. The man who caught it was a 15 year old kid and his 116 year old grandfather and they split the money 50/50. The kid’s grandpa was so happy he bought every friend he’d ever had a castle of their own in the hills of Coanoa, a ritzy part of Parscan.
They flew a bit further and thru a school of Yaplat birds. Yaplats are a yellow and red checkered 4 winged bird, that is 10 and half inches long and had a volleyball shaped head. It had one large eyeball on the bottom of its head and a tiny one on the front both of which are pink in color. It also has a computer monitor on its belly put there to track weather patterns by the Knoctid.
The Knoctid was a group of 300 scientists that were systematically documenting every single species behavior down to every minuet detail. Their hope was to find clues to Goarote’s infinite power. And they hoped to find his reasoning for giving every living creature its existence. They had also secretly been documenting every person’s day to day life so as to create new forms of control over people.
Then they flew past a large swarm of glowing red Summa fish, which would always keep their head a half inch below the surface, but never pop their heads above it. The Summa made intricate designs of everything they’d seen underwater.
“ Now that is beautiful,” said Ratie as she looked at a design of the bottom of a fishing boat that the Summa had done.
“ The things we see when we’re looking for safety,” said Ohgood as he looked down at the Summa.
“ That was a Louser quote, wasn’t it?” asked Talkyre.
“ Yeah, I’ve spent too many hours reading. It’s a bit of an obsession with me,” said Ohgood as he smirked.
“ That and losing your cool,” said Ratie sarcastically as she grinned and tossed her hair back.
“ Oh, I’m about to snap!” said Ohgood jokingly as he pretended to be angry.
“ Why isn’t it hard for me to picture you two related,” said Famaron smoothly as he threw Ratie a wink.
Then in the distance could be seen the outline of Yorms Van Castle from behind a fog bank. It was owned by Pator Yorms Van an eccentric duke who hadn’t left his castle in 30 years. He paid hundreds of People to come to his parties and hang around the castle, but many of them left with some form of dementia. Most thought he was drugging them somehow, Pator had gotten all of his wealth from the death of a favored aunt Hona. This gave him the ability to be the odd sort he always wanted to be and get away with it.
The castle Yorms Van was shaped like a man sitting Indian style with his arms outstretched towards the lake. There was dozens of old magical spells floating around the outside of the castle like a dozen gargoyles spitting fire bursts of blue from their mouths, as well as a pair of mini yellow dragons suspended motionless in mid air with hundreds of black chairs encircling them every other second in a train formation. The castle itself had 8 dozen bubble shaped purple and blue windows that appeared seconds from bursting. There was a large statue of Pator on top of the castle that showed him holding Parscan in his hands and wearing a fiery robe of red.
“ Well, this looks like the place of all places. Who do you suppose lives there?” asked Ohgood as he looked at the castle.
“ We’re about to find out look around us,” said Famaron boldly as he pointed to a dozen dragons and Sargs that had surrounded them.
Then a long curly orange haired tubby short fellow wearing a white suit as well as a large golden crystal pendant around his neck and white leather sneakers rode up beside them on the back of a dragon and said sternly,” You will follow me to the castle. This is not a request.”
“ Who are you?” asked Ratie quickly a
s she squinted her eyes.
“ I am Pator and this is my region. So what I say goes or you go to an untimely death. Now follow me in,” said Pator boldly then he flew towards the castle at an even pace.
“ Well what choice do we have. Let’s see where it leads,” said Famaron nervously then he told the dragon to follow with a hand gesture.
Then they flew over the last of the lake and up over the castle and landed on a round marble landing space that was 200 feet wide and had Pator’s face painted on it. After they landed everyone climbed down off the dragon and took a look around. There were 2 dozen human looking blue and green robots that had holographic faces standing in a circle around everyone and holding Mutters.
“ O.K., Pator, you’ve made your point we know not to try any violence. We weren’t going too in the first place. Well, now that we’re here what now?” asked Famaron sternly as he looked at Pator.
Pator smiled mischievously then said brightly,” I knew I was going to like you ah…”
“ Famaron and that’s Ratie, Ohgood, Talkyre, Veata, Dornoa, and Solcrist,” said Famaron as he pointed to each of them.
“ Famaron, you know there was an emperor named that exactly,” said Pator implying a question as he tapped his temple gently.
“ And that emperor is me,” said Famaron flatly.
“ Oh this is a rare treat, my dear what a grand party we will have, Emperor, I assume you can stay for a bit at the very least. Tell me how you ended up here on the back of a dragon?” asked Pator warmly as he looked at everyone and nodded.
“ Well we are in a bit of a hurry as there has been a great deception on Parscan and we are hoping to set it right tomorrow,” said Famaron firmly as he tried to think of a better way to put their situation.
“ A deception, I have not heard of this. Was it a coup attempt?” asked Pator honestly.
“ Indeed, and a successful one at that, but come the morrow we can turn it around in proper fashion,” said Solcrist boldly as he walked over and looked at one of the robots.
“ Interesting, maybe I could help you. Ya see I have a large army of these robots that would give you a tremendous leg up, but I don’t help strangers. I wouldn’t be much of a man if I did,” said Pator sincerely as he smiled at Ratie.
“ What’d you have in mind?” asked Ohgood calmly as he looked at Pator.
“ I’m very lonely, dine with me tonight and share my company and I’ll let you have the bulk of my army.”
“ That sounds fair, but just how large is this army?” asked Famaron as he looked at the robots.
“ Let me show you,” said Pator happily then he pulled a red light stick from his pocket with 3 green glowing buttons and pressed the one marked h.
Then the large field of green grass behind the castle slid on a conveyor belt into the side of the castle. Beneath it there was 150,000 identical robots like the ones on the landing pad and Ohgood said in disbelief,” That’s the kind of favor we’ll be repaying for the rest of our lives.”
“ You’re right, this army could turn the tide in our favor. Alright, Pator, you want party guests we are it. Which way to the Dordanet?” asked Famaron happily as he smiled and clapped his hands together.
“ It’s right this way, watch that wall for a second,” said Pator as he pressed the star marked button.
Then what appeared to be a wall suddenly turned into a 50 foot black velvet curtain. Then as Pator walked towards it only a small 8 foot wide square opened up revealing a beautiful seal black haired woman with bangs to her eyebrows. She had orange eyes and a button nose, with thick luscious lips and a cleffed chin that had 7 small stars tattooed around in a rainbow of colors. She was 5’11” and very curvaceous with a tiny ripped waist. She had on a skin tight flowing black silk dress with a oval hole cut out around her belly showing her 6 pack, as well as large hole showing her bare back. She had on 6 inch red heels and a black pearl necklace. Her name was Saseap Pollar.
“ Hello, handsome, I see you found some new friends. Can they stay?” asked Saseap warmly as she kissed Pator and squeezed his butt.
“ Just long enough to enjoy themselves, but at least they are here to see my new Dlue game,” said Pator warmly as he squeezed Saseap’s butt and smiled and then asked as he looked at Famaron,” Oh, have you ever tried a Orfan seed?”
“ No never, what exactly is it?” asked Famaron as he walked beside Pator.
“ It’s a mild pain and fever reliever, but if you put one in wine it brings out all the flavors. I have this friend in the village of Bornu, his name is Dorpunch, he sold me a half pound of these things wait ‘til you try one,” said Pator as he walked under the curtain and into the castle.
As you walked in you were struck by a beautiful scent from Pator’s flower garden along the sides of the room. There was a Dlue game board set up in the middle of the room.
Dlue was a 4 person game where you tried to get your warrior to a secret throne room as you fought off several animatronic creatures and laser carrying mini robots. The course had you use different vehicles for different parts from a submarine to a Flasher, all equipped with weapons. As each of you searched the course for the throne rooms you also had the bonus of trying to find the 4 emerald helmets. The first to find those won 5 chances at solving the Borncam riddle. A Borncam riddle had to be solved at a specific moment or the lock wouldn’t open and you couldn’t get your prize. If you found the throne room you only had to defeat 2 Baatolds with swords to collect the grand prize. The first to do either got a diamond necklace and a diamond plasma hand watch with a black gold perfect circle face. You were also given a certificate of victory that qualified you for the Dlue world championships in Soark on the planet Pupitor.
The far end of the room had a revolving wall with three different types of rooms that could swing in. Like a lavish dining room, a full bar, and a living room with a 20 foot wide plasma t.v.. As everyone walked in Pator hit the button for the bar to swing smoothly into the room.
The bar had 7 wooden barrels of whiskey and scotch 8 feet high that were carved in Pator’s image and had spouts that looked like Mutters. The barrels were behind the bar in a row with dozens of bottles of vodka and beer on either side of them floating on a cushion of cold air, with a red light shinning up from below. There was also a sign above them that read,” A nimble mind can’t be corrupted by smiling faces, only solitude.”
There were egg shaped red felt chairs on top of suspension turbines that could turn the chair into an escape pod at the touch of a button and launch downward into a tube that led to Pator’s hangar bay 50 miles away. The bar itself was covered in a thick soft red fabric that when liquid was spilled on it would instantly dry and release a puff of smoke into the air. The floor of the room was covered in a blue half rubber half rug combination that gave a person a more effortless walk.
“ You have a nice setup here, do you entertain much?” asked Veata as she smiled at Pator.
“ Not as much as I’d like too. The townsfolk think I’m a bit of an eccentric. Once people get that impression about you it’s hard to change it, but I’m old enough now not to be bothered by it. Having said that I still love a party and all are welcome,” said Pator warmly then he pressed another button and a robotic Sarg rose up out of the floor and began to dance around in a circle.
“ That gave me a bit of a shock. Oh Goarote, I need a drink fast,” said Ratie nervously as she hurried over to the bar.
“ You’re not the only one, hey, Pator, what about those Orfan seeds are they handy?” asked Famaron as he looked at the Dlue game.
“ They are indeed here, catch!” said Pator excitedly as he threw Famaron a yellow plastic Baatold shaped sack.
Famaron caught the sack and opened the drawstring to reveal 70 rainbow colored hand shaped seeds with the face of
the ancient animal the Joucen printed on them.
The Joucen was a half dragon half man with an enormous scaly yellow head with long red spikes on it, but with a man’s eyes and face. It had long human like arms and hands, but covered in green scales. It had the legs of a dragon as well as the wings and pointy tail.
“ Look at these little devils, isn’t that peculiar,” said Famaron softly as he held a Orfan in his hand.
“ Let’s try ‘em out,” said Ohgood brightly as he put his arm around Famaron.
“ Yes, Famaron, there is no better time to enjoy life then when you’re alive,” said Solcrist happily as he grabbed the sack of Orfans.
“ Hey, you old coot,” said Famaron warmly as he grinned.
Everyone walked over to the bar except for Talkyre who was messing around with the Dlue game. As Ratie grabbed a large Sarg shaped crystal chilled mug she saw a bottle of Pesaus wine and grabbed it and said happily,” Oh the rich win the lottery. I can’t believe there’s a bottle of Pesaus and boy am I thirsty.”
“ What have you got there, Ratie? It looks like trouble,” asked Solcrist slyly as he sat down at the bar.
Pesaus was an ancient red wine made from a rare grape called a Boem and a flask of aged Joucen’s blood. It was well known to be the only wine with no hangover. It also would cause inebriation a soon as it touched your lips.
“ Pesaus, can you believe it. Who wants a glass?” asked Ratie as she pressed the button on the side of the bottle and it opened and a hum came out of the bottle.
“ Who doesn’t, pour a round,” said Dornoa as he smiled and sat down.
Ratie grabbed 8 crystal mugs and began pouring while everyone grabbed a seat and Saseap said happily,” We are so happy to share our home with you. Ya know we’ve got a living stage if you like theater.”
“ What’s that, if you don’t mind me asking?” asked Talkyre as Ratie handed him his mug of Pesaus.
“ I don’t mind, it’s a stage filled with robots instead of actors who put on amazing performances of classic plays like the Destruction of Sleep,” said Saseap then she was handed her mug.
The Destrution of Sleep was a 63rd century play about a man whose appearance changes dramatically every time he falls asleep. Sometimes he wakes up stunningly handsome with black hair and other times he’s disfigured and overweight. Then still others he wakes up as various animals like Baatolds and dragons. All the while being the same person underneath, but having to face the world from different perspectives. The lead character Gim’s wife Teretha marries and divorces him every time he becomes something she doesn’t like or becomes handsome again. Then one day a wizard reveals to him that a former lover cast a spell on him after she became bitter that he had left her when she was young. To this he replies,” I’m glad this happened to me, if I would have had to stay with that woman to avoid this fate, it would have been an unbelievable hell.”
“ Fascinating, I would love to see that,” said Talkyre as he nodded.
“ The Destruction of Sleep is one of my all time favorite plays. The ending always gets me,” said Veata as she sipped.
“ Ya know the one I’d love to see again,” said Ohgood as he looked at everyone.
“ What’s that?” asked Solcrist plainly as he lit up a homemade cigarette.
“ The cure to kindness, remember when the old man says, I killed your lover ‘cause she kissed my heart,” said Ohgood slyly as he grinned.
“ Oh I love that moment cause he thought the whole time it was an accident,” said Ratie happily as she smiled.
“ And then he kills the old man and steals his gold coins and diamond, loved it,” said Famaron gleefully as he smiled and nodded.
“ Well then, I say we go watch a play. If I had realized you were all lovers of the arts I would have suggested it sooner. How ‘bout we bring the bottle of Pesaus and if we’re smart then 2 more for the trip,” said Pator warmly as he went behind the bar and reached into a floor rack of Pesaus and grabbed 2 bottles.
Then Pator pressed another button and the entire bar swung thru the wall and came to rest inside the living stage theater. There was a gradual decline to the stage with a continuous brown couch in an s pattern that snaked around the room with built in snack bars and soda dispensers. On the left side of the room there was a collection of paintings slash sculptures that combined the 2 art forms seamlessly.
One of the artworks was of Pator and Saseap lying naked in a grassy glade with a heard of Zamtru’s running past.
The right side of the room had a 7000 piece jig saw puzzle that was constantly moving and changing into different pictures of Pator’s favorite places, like the purple beach on Parscan. The stage itself was shaped like a banana standing upward, with several different scenes set up that would smoothly slide into place when you choose the play you wanted. The robot actors stood softly with warm smiles on their faces awaiting the performance in the center of the stage. The ceiling of the stage had a holographic picture of the green moons of Semst floating in a circle projected on it.
“ Well everyone, let’s grab our seats and choose our play. What shall it be?” asked Pator happily as he sat down on the couch and got ready to press the button on the armrest.
“ I’m sorry everyone, but I, I would really love to see the Destruction of sleep, more so than any other. What do you think?” asked Veata hopefully as she sat Indian style in the middle of the couch with Famaron on her left and Ohgood and Ratie on her right.
Talkyre flopped down beside Pator and said,” That’s fine with me, that’s one of my favorites.”
“ Me as well, but I’ll need another glass of Pesaus before we start,” said Solcrist slyly as he motioned to Pator for the bottle and Pator smiled and handed it to him.
“ It’s yes here too, that’s majority rule so start it up, but I must ask where are the snacks?” asked Famaron as he looked around the room.
“ Oh fear not, emperor, press in the front of your seat,” said Pator calmly as he grinned.
“ O.K. let’s see here,” said Famaron softly as he reached forward and pressed in the front of his seat and then down from the ceiling floated a large silver and glass box filled with warm Orcut wafers, steak sticks, cheese covered pretzel balls on a sticks and dozens of candy bars and gummy tubes that were a foot long and then Famaron said brightly,” Boy did I need this, you really know how to entertain. What will it be first how ‘bout a pretzel ball,” said Famaron greedily as he opened the glass door on the front.
“ Thank you, Famaron enjoy,” said Pator warmly as he smiled at Saseap.
Then Pator started the play and suddenly the stage turned into a dense forest with a waterfall and a beautiful tall woman with blonde hair and green eyes in a lacy pink dress sitting on a rock playing a guitar and singing,” It only changes you,” by the Metallurgy Mob.
The Metallurgy Mob were a hard rock band that had recorded 22 albums and had 300 hit songs on 6 planets. They were a 3 piece band with Bloce Meshaving as their lead singer and guitar player. The band started when Bloce was walking thru Troitsa and just randomly sang the name of a store he was walking into. The man behind him Dorim Sherp was the owner of Pleu records and signed him on the spot. The only problem was Bloce had never sung or played an instrument in his life. 2 months later after showing him the ropes and getting him 2 more musicians, Bloce released his first single and it shot straight to number one and it was the song,” It only changes you.”
The woman’s name was Teretha Boi. She began to sing the words,” We had a painful love, it was more than enough. Now you’re moving on and suddenly I was wrong so I say it only changes you, It only changes you.”
Then up walked a blonde short haired tall man with black eyes and tan skin wearing a dark blue sport coat and pants as well as a white t shirt that read,” I’ve got th
e answers, but you can’t ask,” across the front. He also had on white leather dress shoes and a silver medallion tightly around his neck. His name was Gim Boi, Teretha’s husband.
“ Teretha, it’s better today, just look,” said Gim softly as he stood behind Teretha.
“ I can’t, I’m still scared from yesterday. Just leave me be,” said Teretha sternly as she looked forward and began to tremble.
Then Gim put his hands on her shoulders and said warmly,” Please, my love’s still here. Just let me be what I was once.”
“ What was that?” asked Teretha warmly.
“ The man of your dreams. Look upon me now as you once did?” asked Gim as he eyes filled with tears.
“ O.K., I’ll try,” said Teretha as she began to weep and then she stood up and turned slowly to face Gim and saw how handsome he was and said excitedly,” Oh, Gim, it’s you again,” and then she kissed him passionately and then yelled,” Oh Goarote let him stay the way he is now, please!”
Then Gim kissed her and Ratie said lovingly,” That was so beautiful oh wow I loved it.”
“ That always gets me,” said Veata as she wiped a tear from her eye and then Famaron put his arm around her and she said warmly,” thank you, Famaron, I needed that.”
“ It’s o.k., we care about each other,” said Famaron as he rubbed Veata’s shoulder.
“ Enough sap, get to the cool part,” said Ohgood sternly as he rolled his eyes.
Then Gim and Teretha went to their wooden camp and got into bed. The room had a Baatold shaped 6 foot tall wooden dresser on either side of a heart shaped king size bed. There was also a large flat screen t.v. on the left side of the room hung from the ceiling. Gim and Teretha lay on the bed with Teretha resting her head on his chest and then she said sweetly,” I missed you, Gim, more than anything in the world, I mean it.”
“ That means a lot to me, I think the worst is behind us. I’ll see you in the morning my love,” said Gim lovingly then he kissed Teretha and smiled.
They made love then went to bed in each other’s arms. In the morning the sun poked thru the window shade and hit Teretha in the eye. As they slowly woke up she could feel Gim’s hairy chest and was relieved that he was normal. Then she opened her eyes and saw he was a 8 foot tall Baatold and she screamed,” Get away from me you disgusting beast ahhh!”
Then Gim woke up and grabbed hold of Teretha and then asked,” What’s wrong, Teretha?”
“ It happened again, you turned into a Baatold!” said Teretha frantically as she jumped out of bed.
“ Oh great, another day I’d like to forget. Let me look at this here,” said Gim sadly as he grabbed a hand held mirror and took a look and said loudly,” Oh Goarote that’s scary! Alright, Teretha, just don’t freak out tomorrow I’ll be my old self again and this will be forgotten,” said Gim calmly as he looked at Teretha.
“ That’s what you always say, one day this then the next day you’re someone I don’t recognize! I just want the man I fell in love with to be here with me the way he was when we fell in love. That’s not too much to ask!” yelled Teretha as she wept.
“ Teretha, baby…that man’s right here, he’s been here all along. Don’t turn away from the man you love, please,” pleaded Gim as he stood up and ducked the support beam.
“ You’re a Baatold, look at ya. The man I married was a gentle and kind handsome blonde haired man. Who made me swoon if he smiled at me,” said Teretha quickly as she put her hand to her forehead.
“ He’s still right here, gorgeous, he always will be,” said Gim sincerely as he pursed his lips.
“ What! You’re a 9 foot Baatold that smells of droppings and wet hair. Are you crazy? Goarote I have had it this curse isn’t funny anymore. You go ahead and laugh it up, but my feelings are hurt and my nerves are frazzled!” said Teretha frantically as she paced back and forth.
“ Look tomorrow it will be like it was. I’ll be the man you married I promise,” said Gim honestly as he took a step towards Teretha and put out his hand and smiled showing his green fangs.
“ What, you crazy furry rear end! I am a woman I want a man who won’t kill me in my sleep for a snack,” said Teretha slowly as she glared at Gim.
“ Look it’s not that bad. Baatolds rarely eat people and it’s usually just a quick death. They tear the head right from the body,” said Gim as he secretly thought of how tasty Teretha looked and licked his lips.
“ Ahh…I’m out of here, by, Gim, good luck with your delusions of love. All’s I wanted was a normal guy and what’d I get, a Baatold. Laugh it up Goarote,” said Teretha in disgust as she hurried out of the room.
“ That’s right, Teretha, don’t take any guff,” said Ratie boldly as she smiled.
Everyone watching the play laughed. Then an hour later the play was at the climatic final scene. The set on stage was now a castle courtyard at Benea’s , Gim’s former lover’s home in the hills. Benea was a seal black long straight haired woman, with hazel eyes. She was very sexy and had a curvaceous figure. She was 5’5” and had on a black unitard and black high heels, as well as a black lace choker and white pearl earrings.
“ Hi, Benea, how’s tricks? Ya know like the one you played on me you wench,” asked Gim snidely as he walked up to Benea who was sitting in a lawn chair and drinking a cup of wine.
“ Look, Gim, you got what you deserved. No man betrays me or it is he who feels my wrath,” said Benea coldly as she sipped her wine.
“ Well then I must repay your kindness in equal kind,” said Gim happily as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black sticky piece of dead magic and a white lighter.
Dead magic turns a person into a Gargoyle if it was lit on fire and thrown at them within 5 seconds.
“ Gim, what are you doing? What is that?” asked Benea nervously as she looked at the dead magic.
“ Just spreadin’ the love bye, gorgeous,” said Gim happily as he lit the dead magic and then threw it at Benea.
The flaming ball turned into a huge purple face of Louser as it flew towards her. Then when it hit it enveloped her whole body and suddenly parts of her body began to change as she screamed in horror. Then in a matter of seconds her arms and legs were green and scaly then her torso turned into a gargoyles. Then her face exploded in a burst of orange bubbles and left only a Gargoyle’s head behind. Gim looked at her then turned to go and said flatly,” Sambits hath no fury like I do.”
Sambits is a partial dimension where murderers and rapists particles scattered upon their deaths. This is what is believed to be just reward for a horrific life by all in the Coulez system.